Peter Pan

11.38 €
Второй поворот направо... а потом прямо до утра! Отчаявшись услышать сказки на ночь, Питер Пэн ждет под окном детской Венди, Джона и Майкла Дарлингов. Когда Питер просит Венди полететь с ним в Неверленд, милые дети уносятся в мир приключений - отважных фей, чудесных русалок и Потерянных мальчиков. Но и в Неверленде есть опасность: злодей Капитан Крюк жаждет мести и не остановится ни перед чем, чтобы добиться ее. Пронзительный и незабываемый, Дж.М. Классическая сказка Барри - одно из величайших произведений детской литературы прошлого века. Его творческий размах, нежный юмор и яркие персонажи очаруют как взрослых, так и детей. Опубликовано совместно с детской благотворительной организацией Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Книга на английском языке.
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. Second to the right... and then straight on till morning! Desperate to hear bed-time stories, Peter Pan waits outside the nursery window of Wendy, John and Michael Darling. When Peter asks Wendy to fly with him to Neverland, the Darling children are whisked away to a world of adventure - of daring fairies, wondrous mermaids and The Lost Boys. But there is danger in Neverland too: the villainous Captain Hook is out for revenge and will stop at nothing to take it. Poignant and unforgettable, J.M. Barrie's classic tale is one of the greatest works of children's literature of the last century. Its imaginative scope, tender humour and vivid characters will enchant adults and children alike. Published in association with Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity.
Книга на английском языке.
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. Second to the right... and then straight on till morning! Desperate to hear bed-time stories, Peter Pan waits outside the nursery window of Wendy, John and Michael Darling. When Peter asks Wendy to fly with him to Neverland, the Darling children are whisked away to a world of adventure - of daring fairies, wondrous mermaids and The Lost Boys. But there is danger in Neverland too: the villainous Captain Hook is out for revenge and will stop at nothing to take it. Poignant and unforgettable, J.M. Barrie's classic tale is one of the greatest works of children's literature of the last century. Its imaginative scope, tender humour and vivid characters will enchant adults and children alike. Published in association with Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity.